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MONEY FM 89.3 — Alan Puah, Breakfast with Ryan, Emaad and Audrey

MONEY FM 89.3 — Alan Puah, Breakfast with Ryan, Emaad & Audrey
MONEY FM 89.3 — Alan Puah, Breakfast with Ryan, Emaad & Audrey PHOTO: MONEY FM 89.3
Alan Puah, Managing Director of Rentalworks Group with Ryan, Emaad & Audrey from MONEY FM 89.3
Alan Puah, Managing Director of Rentalworks Group with Ryan, Emaad & Audrey from MONEY FM 89.3

It’s a privilege to join Ryan, Emaad, and Audrey for a morning coffee chat on MONEY FM 89.3. Alan Puah, founder and managing director of Rentalworks Group, shares his perspective on winning the Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards 2024 and offers valuable insights into how Sustainable IT Asset Management can support businesses in reducing their carbon footprint, achieving net-zero objectives, and adopting circular economy principles. 

Listen to the full podcast: